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CCC programme

Customer refers Customer

CCC – Customers canvass customers

Get your friends and acquaintances excited about the dedicated root servers from servdiscount.com now.

Recommend a dedicated server to someone and collect your bonus with servdiscount.com's customers-canvass-customers programme. Are you satisfied with the performance of your dedicated server and the service provided by servdiscount.com? Then recommend a dedicated server to a friend, relative or simply an acquaintance and secure a bonus of up to 50% of monthly sales.

Simply pick up your personal order-link in the customer interface, send it to your friend, and collect a bonus of up to 50% of monthly sales. Save cash with our CCC programme.

It's simple and trouble-free:

1.) Pick up your personal order-link in the customer management system

2.) Send the link to a friend, relative or acquaintance

3.) After a successful order you will be notified about your bonus

4.) After 60 days – receipt of the credit

Please note that only customers can benefit with a fixed-term contract of this program. Customers with a prepaid contract can not be granted credit for accounting reasons.

Advertising material for the CCC programm
