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Rent root servers, vServers & dedicated servers

vServer, root servers and high-performance dedicated servers from webtropia.com

Are you having trouble finding the right dedicated server at servdiscount.com, or are you looking for low-priced virtual servers or root servers? Then why not come by webtropia.com? webtropia offers low-priced rentable vServers, root servers and dedicated servers of the newest generation. On this page we provide you with brief overview of the product groups.

Virtual servers from webtropia.com are particularly suitable for newcomers or for people who would like to produce their first small web applications. vServers with SSD performance and free Windows or Linux operating systems can be had already at very favourable conditions. Do you want to develop your own website and you're looking for the right platform for your own Internet presence? Then rent your vServer with Plesk and install the most popular CMS system there is, Wordpress. Learn more about the vServers from webtropia.com


Equipped with the latest hardware, webtropia.com offers you dedicated servers with high performance at the best price. The dedicated servers are equipped with the latest DDR4 RAM and the latest CPUs. You should pay particular attention to the new AMD or Intel servers, which contain the latest Intel Core or AMD Ryzen processors. You can also rent these affordable servers with fast NVMe SSDs. Rent your cheap dedicated server from webtropia.com now.


webtropia.com's product portfolio also includes low-priced root servers, equipped with a large amount of memory. These root servers are partially dedicated and/or partially virtualised. Rentable root servers have dedicated hard drives and offer guaranteed resources in the CPU and RAM areas. They are eminently suitable for more demanding applications and are based on the newest in HP server hardware. Both Linux as well as Windows operating systems are available for root servers. Discover more here about webtropia.com's low-priced root server.


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